Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tabloid Sports
The first tabloid sports session will be Thursday, 8th November (Week 5). Thank you to all the parents who have alraedy volunteered to help out. If you are able to assist please sign up on the roster at the front of the neighbourhood. Simon will be organising the first session and it will go from 9:15 - 10am. The following 3 weeks will be run by Tabloid Sports and will be longer sessions, 9:15-11am. We ask that all children wear appropriate footwear, hats and sunscreen. If you have any questions please speak to Jessica. 

Establishment of a Parents Gardening Club

School Council Facilities committee has recommended that a gardening group be officially formed in order to more effectively coordinate the gardening plots in the school. Members of the Facilities Committee and school staff will be in attendance. We wish to invite all interested parents to attend this meeting on Wednesday 7th November at 5.00pm in the meeting room opposite the school office. Let a teacher know if you are interested, we could discuss some possible connections for the Yr 1 N'hood. Thanks!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Parent Helpers Wanted – for Library tasks

Parent Helpers Wanted – for Library tasks.

The PHPS Library needs parents/friends to help cover our new library books. We are considering holding a weekend afternoon working bee in November. We also need regular helpers to join the team re-shelving and tidying or ordering the resources on shelves

To find out more please speak to Mark. Or, sign onto the sheet in your child's Neighbourhood. 
Thank You.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Helping With Maths!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all those parents who have helped with mathematics activities on Monday and Wednesday mornings (9-11 am) or part thereof.  If you would like to volunteer, there is a sign-up sheet on the noticeboard outside the neighbourhood.  Three parents for each morning are optimal.  This allows us to work  with a variety of games and activities in groups of 10-12 students. 
The activities for the next two weeks include;
Fractions; developing the students' understanding of 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 by making a fraction wall with colored paper.  (speak to Mark or Jessica...)
Place Value; developing the students' understanding of how the number system works by playing a trading game, using dice and wooden blocks that create 10's and 100's. (speak to Maddy...)
Number fluency: this refers to the students' increasing ability to add and subtract numbers >20 and then beyond using mental strategies, such as making to ten, counting on by tens,  doubling or halving, or knowing number 'families' (eg. 6+3=9, 3+6=9, 9-3=6,). This activity utilises a website that has many games that promote the students' ability to beat their time or their score of correct items. (speak to Jessica or Maddy...)

Opportunity to Take Part in Research!

Research Project on Assessment.

A letter is being sent home with the children this week. It outlines a research project that some teachers are involved in over the next 6 months with Professor Marilyn Fleer at Monash University.

The letter outlines the project “Assessment beyond borders: Potentive assessment in Primary School”. The project is looking at varied ways to assess children both at school and at home.

It also includes consent forms for you to fill out and return to school as soon as possible.

We would appreciate your support in this research project.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Year 1 Assembly

Our Neighbourhood will be presenting our learning on Tuesday 23rd October (Week 3) at 9am. We hope to see as many family members as possible as this will be our final assembly presentation for the year. Jessica will hanging around the coffee cart afterwards so come and say hi.
The Grand Tour of Italy: Italian/Visual Arts Day at Princes Hill
Monday, 22tnd October 2012

Italian/Visual Arts Day will be a celebration of language, culture, history and art! This year the day celebrates the diversity of Italy and some of its major cities.

Students will be placed in multi-age groups, participating in a variety of activities reflecting the Grand Tour theme. Everyone is urged to dress up: in Italian colours, as famous characters, artists, soccer players, waiters, chefs etc to create an authentic Italian atmosphere

The day will begin with a costume parade. Students  are encourage to bring Italian food for lunch.

Please note there will be a special timetable for this day. Recess will be in the morning, from 10.30 – 11am, lunch eating time in classrooms from 11.55-12.25, and lunch play time at 12.30 – 1.30.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Saphire's Weekend Sleepovers

At the beginning of the year everyone was excited to sign up to take Saphire home. If you signed up to have Saphire this term please check when you are taking her home so you don't forget and miss out. If you can no longer take Saphire home on the weekend you have signed up for please organise to swap weekends or take your name off the list so someone else can sign up.
The whole school is invited to…
Get out those dancing shoes, grab a pair of
flares, and maybe even a ‘fro
and head on down to our
school gymnasium
to shake your groove thing…

When: 19
th October 2012
What time: 5.30pm – 8.00pm
Where: The school gymnasium
So, bring the family down, grab some dinner (food stalls will be available)
And have some fun!
So we can organise things even better,
please let me know by email
if you think you can come
See you there!!!

Maths Workshops: We are looking for parent helpers on Monday and Wednesday mornings to assist with our maths workshops. If you can come in between 9:15-10:30 please add your name to the list that will be displayed at the front of the neighbourhood.

Recycling Storeroom: Shana is looking for some helpers to assist with cleaning out and reorganising the Recycling Storeroom on Monday 29th October (Week 4) between 9-12. If you can assist please speak to Jessica.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Italian and Art Day 

There will be an Art and Italian Day held on the 22nd of October. This will be a celebration of the Italian culture and way of life. Further information will follow.
Tabloid Sports

The Transition Program including Tabloid Sports for Prep-2 will be taking place on November the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. This is a junior school initiative to enable children to work together across the junior levels. We will require parent helpers from 9-11am on these dates. If you can help please add your name to the list at the front of the neighbourhood.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bazaar Hampers
The Year 1 Neighbourhood is in charge of organising 3 hampers for the Bazaar in November. Our three hampers are 'A Taste of Asia', 'Gourmet Food' and 'Masterchef'. The baskets with a list of ideas are located next to Saphire at the front of the neighbourhood.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

Kimochi (KEY-MO-CHEE)
means "feeling" in Japanese
Today the Year 1 Neighbourhood meet the Kimochis, Bella Rose, Lovey Dove, Bug and the small pillows with feelings (happy, sad, silly, brave.....). We will be using the Kimochis to communicate our feelings and to support discussions related to responding to our own and other peoples emotions. The Kimochis are on display in the Torus area, please come and have a look with your child