Thursday, May 31, 2012

Crazy Hair Day

Excitement filled the air as the children arrived on Wednesday morning with their crazy hair and hats. Below are few examples of the crazy hair we saw in our neighbourhood.

Looking for Writers

We are looking for parents and friends in our community who are writers and are willing to come in and share with the children about their writing in their work life. The children will bring home a little invitation slip, if you are able to help out please indicate on this slip and return to school.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Look at all the Lauren Child books the children have brought in to share.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Learning Agreement

The current learning agreeement is coming home with the children today. Please take the time to sit with your child and discuss their learning experiences. Could you please sign and return the learning agreement on Monday. We would appreciate any feedback about the new learning agreement.
Crazy Hair Day is Wednesday 30th May

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Learning Agreement: Performing

On the current Learning Agreement the children have the option to practice and perform a play in a small group in the performing area. On Monday the Year 1 Neighbourhood was treated to the first performance. A small group performed The Brave Little Tailor. The group that performed had practiced over a number of learning agreement sessions and dealt with many challenges including changing actors, sharing roles and working co-operatively. Congratulations to all the children involved.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Tongue Twister from Mavis

Last week Jessica recieved an email from Mavis and her family, who recently moved to to Hanoi in Vietnam. The whole neighbourhood loved hearing a little bit about the Johnston's life in Hanoi. In the email there was a tongue twister from a book Mavis recieved for her birthday. I challenge you to read it aloud and see how fast you can say it without your tongue getting twisted. We would love for the children to have a go at learning it and those that do can read it out to the neighbourhood as quickly as possible.

Betty better butter Buddy's brother's bagel.
But before Betty butters the bagel, Betty

Better boil and bake the bagel.

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter.
"But," said she, "this butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter better.
But a bit of better butter -
That would make my batter better."
So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
(better than her bitter butter_ and made her bitter batter a bit better.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Nude and Healthy Food is Cool

Here are few excellent examples of nude and healthy food seen in the Year 1 Neighbourhood today at lunch. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good Readers: use blends and diagraphs to help them read

Here are some blends and diagraphs the children have found when reading 

Author Study: Lauren Child


We have a begun an author study exploring Lauren Child. Her best known books are the Charlie and Lola and Clarice Bean series. If your family has a Lauren Child book could you child bring it in to share with the neighbourhood. The focus will be on 'juicy' words.
Auslan: Alphabet

This week Jessica taught the children the alphabet in Auslan. If your child has not shown you how to sign their name, ask them tonight. The Auslan Alphabet has been stuck up on the notice board in the torus. Learning sign language will promote dexterity.

Hip Hop Dancing

Last Friday a group of 20 children were treated to a hip hop dance lesson with Patrick, Tomo and children from the 3/4 neighbourhood. Fun was had by all and Patrick and Tomo have kindly invited us back for the rest of the term. Each week a different group of children will join the 3/4 neihbourhood in learning to dance to an 8 count.
If you would like to see some of video footage please see Jessica.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Community Walk

A big thank you to the mums and dad who joined us on our 3 community walks today. The neighbourhood was split into 3 groups and explored different parts of our community. Jessica walked with her group along Pigdon Street to Princes Park; Simon took a stroll down Rathdowne Street while Mary took her group up Lygon Street towards Brunswick East. We had a little rain, but we did not let it bother us. Upon our return the children reflected on what they had seen either through an artistic creation or through writing a short recount. We will have a slide show running Thursday and Friday morning in the torus for the parents to see some of the writing we discovered in the community.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The year one neighbourhood is exploring the mathematical concepts of place value, counting, skip counting and compatible numbers through a range of hands on learning experiences. Yesterday the engagement in the new learning tasks was very exciting as the children were challenged in various ways. Through these explorations the children are beginning to assess their own learning needs and are formulating specific learning goals for themselves.


Made from 50 pieces
Also made from 50 pieces


A completed 120s chart

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Auslan: Last week Jessica taught the children how to count to 20 in sign language. Hopefully the children have shown you what they learnt. Jessica will continue to teach them the signs she learnt in an Auslan beginners course.
A walk around the community

Due to poor weather we cancellled our walk around the community last Thursday. The walk will be held on Wednesday, 9th May (Week 4).The walk will take place between 9:10 -10. If you are able to join us please add your name to the list at the front of the neighbourhood. The aim of the walk is to find examples of how writing is used by people in our local community.
We would like to take photos of the writing seen and have the children discuss and record the possible purposes for the writing. We have 2 cameras in our neighbourhood, so any extra cameras would be greatly appreciated.

Princes Hill Annual Walkaton is tomorrow between 9-11am. Children should wear comfortable shoes, warm jumpers and bring a water bottle. If your child has not returned their green sponsor form can they please do so tomorrow so we can
write the number of laps completed on the form.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How do I communicate with letters?

As part of our restructured learning agreement the children are answering the above question in variety of ways in the different learning spaces. Below are examples of how the children used construction to communicate.

Can you read the lego construction?

Can you guess who constructed this?

The beginning of a word.